rate my philosophy of science readings: Hume (+), hemple (ok), Russel (meh), Popper (++), Thomas Kuhn (~)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemokines (chemokines are a subset of chemotactic cytokines)
these line up pretty well with the textbook!
(aka determinant) the parts of an antigen that interact with antibodies - the parts of an antigen that are specifically recognized by lymphocytes. All antigens are recognizable, but only some can activate lymphocytes. Molecules that are capable of stimulating immune responses are called immunogens.
Thomas Kuhn:
The guy who wrote a book on the philosophy of science that I have to read (The Structure of Scientific revolutions). Looks as though we have him to thank for the incredibly overused term: "paradigm shift".
I need a more technical definition of this also. all I can find is the dictionary definition: "ideotype [systematics] A specimen identified as belonging to a specific taxon but collected from other than the type locality."
viz is a corrupted abreviation of videlicet - adverbs used today as synonyms of "namely, precisely, that is to say". They introduce a specification or a more detailed description of something stated before. viz is far more common in English than videlicet. Viz is traditionally read aloud as "namely" or "to wit", not phonetically as [vɪz]. In writing, it is now usually followed by an unnecessary period. (thanks
wikipedia )
Modus tollens:
In logic, Modus ponendo tollens (Latin for "mode that affirms by denying") is the formal name for indirect proof or proof by contraposition (contrapositive inference), often abbreviated to MT. It can also be referred to as denying the consequent, and is a valid form of argument (unlike similarly-named but invalid arguments such as affirming the consequent or denying the antecedent).
Modus tollens has the following argument form:
If P, then Q.
Q is false.
Therefore, P is false. (
wikipedia, again)
Alexander Von Humbolt:
the "founder of modern geography" and the first biogeographer. He was the first to recognize that the distribution of species by altitude was similar with their distribution by longitude. He also was a great geologist and climatologist. Highly influential upon C. Darwin (He claimed to not only admire, but "worship" him) - in fact his Latin American voyage and research and subsequent publication of Cosmos (which took 21 years) were the pinnacle of naturalism to date and possibly even Darwin's model for the Beagle voyage.