Thursday, January 10, 2013

Happy New Year!

Ok, I know that it's 10 days late, but lets look at some resolutions! Which ones did you keep? What are your new resolutions for 2013?

These were our resolutions from last year:

I've only got one requirement of myself - everything else comes secondary. This year, my resolution is:

Don't be late.

I still want to hit some outdoor activities this year. At least two of:
big bike ride
hiking with camping in the wild
water skiing

Remember my google password so that I can post here.
Learn Spanish (Madie and Gwen- looks like we need to do something about this!)
Go outside everyday- more than just to the car.
Go on that big bike ride with Dad
Mess around in a canoe "because there is nothing half so fine as..."
I will finish the school year with B&S with a bang, not a whimper.

Learn to knit.
Also try to learn Spanish with the boys.
Procrastinate less.
Get outside every day.
Keep with the free medical clinic.
Go on adventures.

Take a shower every day
 Exercise every day, with at least 5 days including cardio
Keep my hair short and neat
Learn more about feminism (I've started off by buying Simone De Beauvoir's "The Second Sex")
Learn Spanish
Stop eating processed sugar

  Personally, the only resolution I kept was learning about feminism, mostly because that was something that I could do quickly. I guess that I kept my hair pretty short, but not always neat. And I barely learned any Spanish. No worries, though! This year I have only 1 resolution:
 - Care more about myself (meaning saying "no" when I don't think that I should do something, considering the consequences of things for myself as well as for other people, and make decisions that are good for me, mind and body, even if they're unpleasant or might make other people unhappy).

How about you all?