Wednesday, December 20, 2006

30 seconds

Well Gwen, the problem you mentioned on MySpace about needing 30 second actiities intrigued me. I've had a lot of experience in that department., but I have asked others for their input as well. Some ideas:

Eating popcorn
kick boxing practise
light, light mystery novels: eg Nero Wolfe
Oprah Winfrey
Doing paper projects with children...making time machines and the like
1/2 a minute waltz (Dad)
memorise the dictionary--can be done a little at a time
writing limericks
writing haikus (even better- they don't rhyme..maybe you could three)
wiping counters (Mom's fave)
write christmas card notes



Blogger gwen said...

I love the suggestions, I'll keep you updated about which ones I use.....

2:17 PM  

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